Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting to the First Page of Google Search Results

Using Keywords The Profitable Way.
There are a lot of, so called experts, out there telling people that it is hard to get on the first page of Google search results.
Let me tell you now that this is not the case but you do need to know what you are doing for you to have a good result.
I have set up a Company called Melbourne Web Marketing to put this myth to bed once and for all and will expose the truth below.
The real power is in the Keyword Research. If you use the wrong keyword (one that no one is searching for) you are wasting your time. I can tell you it is FAR Simpler to Market something that the public is actually searching for.
Too many people, with the intention of making money on the internet, go out and find a product which they go around selling and attempting to drive traffic to. Most of the time the product is not something anybody else is interested in and they fail.
NOTE: Remember what you like does not matter, let the public tell you what they like.
Please remember that the best results are obtained from products that the public wants. Force selling (I call it this when you have a product that YOU THINK others will want) is the hardest type of selling. The reason is that you have to make the potential client think your product is something he can not do without, even though he might not need it. Not a simple task these days.
Would Supply selling (the selling of a product that is a problem fixer with a hungry market) not be simpler?
The bottom line is that ALL the people on the internet are of one frame of mind - "What's in it for me". This is so great, as we simply find a problem and the solution and bring the solution to the public's attention.
Doing your research and finding an issue will give you the base keywords. From there you simply do some in-depth keyword phrase research and filter the non-payers. I love this bit as it is the part that makes you money or makes your fail.
Once you have your most profitable and highly searched for keyword phrase you need to see if any of them can be found as an available domain name. Don't worry if it is not available as you can make minor changes and still get the full benefit from this action.
Take this as a sample: "Conscious Living" was the main keyword for one of my clients. It was not available so I suggested he go with "about conscious living". He still got the full benefit from the keyword phrase and a domain name he could use and show relevancy to Google.
To power your way to the first page of Google search results you need to take it a few steps further. You also need to pay attention to the following areas.
Website Title:
This is the first (Blue) line of text that Google displays in the search results. If the persons search term is in your Website Title Google will compensate you. This means that if you have the same words in your title your result will have the keyword highlighted. This makes it stick out more to your potential customer, catching you more traffic, as it catches their eye.
Website Description:
This is the next 160 characters that Google displays in black text within the search results. Treat this text the same as the Website Title. With your keyword in this text it will be highlighted by Google and will make it stick out.
Remember that this is your location to make your potential visitor take note of your site. This can only be done by having compelling text which should include your main keyword phrase not be stuffed full of it resulting in text that does NOT make any sense to the person reading it.
Once your 160 characters are used and you have more text in your Description most search engines will use "..." to indicate more is available.
You could use this to your advantage by ensuring you state all of your main benefits within the text and starting a new sentence that will only partially show but sparks the potential customer's curiosity.
Website Text:
Use the main keyword phrase throughout the text so that Google can see "Relevancy" in your content. Keeping it between 3-6% is good. Going higher could result in your site being flagged as SPAM by Google and you might as well forget that domain name, if that happens, as you will have problems getting rid of this flag.
By the way I found that if you have the keyword in there too often, the text doesn't read well and in most cases will make your potential customer go elsewhere anyway. This means you would lose two ways, lose your customer and get flagged as a spam site.
Yes the sample used above is an actual task and resulted in position 5 & 6 out of 5,040,000 results.

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